? ??????????????Cherry Blossoms? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.5 (10 Ratings)??61 Grabs Today. 6060 Total Grab
s. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????Ticking Time Bomb? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 5.0 (13 Ratings)??58 Grabs Today. 12404 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????Victorias Secret Runway BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Sunday, May 24, 2009


I finally got to paint something "RED" i have been thinking which wall to paint for a while, to not make it to much since my honey does not like it, but he is so sweet he knows i want it so he let me do it. I think it looks pretty good, I'm very happy

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mothers Day!

On mothers day my honey was working, he had off the day before so we went to the movies it was great we do not get to go out much without the kids. Mike cleaned the whole house for me as a present i loved it, he is always so thoughtful. on mothers day the kids helped me wash the car it needed it really bad, they had more fun playing with the hose than anything else but the car is clean that's all that matters, i can see out the windows now ha ha.
In the evening i cooked and my mom and brothers came over to hangout for a while it was fun my brothers are funny the nasty things they come up with are so funny.

this is not a good pic of me but nobody wanted to pose for them i only got a few

Santi does not like to take pictures, Simon was sleeping so i could not get all 3 in one pic
I cooked turkey lasagna and flan for desert.

Science Fair 2009

In may at Sean's school they have a science fair, and i said last year science fair he is in kindergarten, he was so excited about the project we had to thinkk of something simple but cool so last year we worked hard and won 1st place. So this year Sean was excited also, i do not like to do those things they are a pain!! but again since it's 1st grade only we had to come up with something simple but good, this year was on what surface does the car go further and we tested a hotwheel on different surfaces and did the project i had Sean do alot of the work but did some to. And again we won 1st place!! it's my 1st place also since i did alot of the work. Sean is so happy.

The proud winner!!!

Sean receiving his 1st place award

Mike & Sean

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Espee Park

Today i took the kids to the park so they can get their wiggles out and maybe take it easy at the house so i don't go crazy, it was fun i had more exerzise than i have had in a long time, maybe we will have Sean next birthday party here it's really nice.

At the end a fix of junk food is always the best yum!!!

Sean had loads of fun with water balons another parent was sharing

Simon had a better time plying in the playground, climing all over making his mama a nervous reck.

While Sean was still playing away his brother

Simon was done with the water right away, it was a little windy and cold

Sean & Simon Having fun in the water

Little pumkin can't help it evey time he looks at the camera it's hard to get a picture with his eyes open